Regular Session
Regular Session papers are solicited on subjects pertaining to the scope of the conference that includes, but is not limited to the following topics:
TT1: Renewable Energy and Smart Utilities
Renewable energy sources and technology
Solar/Wind energy systems and its integration
Grid Interconnection systems
Micro grid/Smart grid control and issues
Integration of energy storage systems
Biomass, Hydrogen based sources
Energy harvesting from renewable source
Low inertia grid
Smart utility applications
Energy management strategies and Efficient power networks
TT2: Power Converters and Energy Efficient Machine Drives
Application of Power converter for transportation/EV/Traction drives
New power converter topologies
High power multilevel converters
AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/AC topologies
Modulation techniques & control
Energy Efficient Drives
Electrical Machine design and analysis
Wide band gap power devices
Advanced and sensor-less machine control
Special electrical machines
TT3: Electric Transportation and Energy Storage
Automotive systems (inc. electric, fuel cell, hybrid)
Aerospace systems (inc. autonomous, unmanned, consumer, electric propulsion)
Rail transportation systems
EV charging infrastructure
Charging standards and Guidelines
​Battery management system
Energy storage & battery charging technologies
Electric Transportation in Space and Ship
Wired and Wireless charging systems
Energy storage integration with Fuel cells
TT4: Modern Power System and Control
Power quality and harmonics
Power system protection
Protection and switchgear
Power system monitoring and analysis
Power system stability and reliability
Demand side management
Power system challenges and operation
Active and reactive power control
Islanding detection and control
High voltage engineering and technology
Solutions towards net-zero future
Energy policies and standards
TT5: Communication Systems for Sustainable Future
Electrical quantities, embedded control systems and sensor networks
Nonlinear systems
Sustainable communication networks
Potential application of signal processing in smart grid
IoT and sustainable computing
Intelligent communication for different sustainable development
TT6: Applied Computational Intelligence
Computational intelligence for power system
Computation intelligence for smart grid
Load forecasting using AI/ML/DL
Cyber security applications
Cyber-physical energy management systems
Optimization for smart grid, optimal power flow and electricity market
Cloud computing, big data analytics and block chain applications